Bus route

Timetable for Public Transportation

Taxi company
Koyo Hire | +81-88-864-2539 | Nissho Hire | +81-88-864-2731 |
Yoshimoto kotsu | +81-88-864-4111 | Idai Hire | +81-88-862-0200 |
Hamada Hire | +81-887-53-3131 | Shimoda Hire | +81-88-865-8432 |
Noichi Taxi | +81-887-56-1700 | Heiwa Hire | +81-887-54-3165 |
Access to KCZ

Car rental company
Times car | +81-88-804-6550 | Nippon rent-a-car | +81-88-863-0663 |
Toyota rent-a-car | +81-88-864-0707 | Nissan rent-a-car | +81-88-864-2319 |
Bajietto rent-a-car | +81-88-878-6543 | Orix rent-a-car Kochi Ryoma Airport Terminal Store |
+81-88-804-6007 |
Orix rent-a-car Kochi Airport store |
+81-88-804-6188 |
Access to major tourist destinations

Parking information

Parking Fee
Free from admission to 30 minutes.
Discount services are available through the use of airport building shops and restaurants.
Standard-sized car | Motorcycle | |
Up to 30 minutes | Free | Free |
Up to 60 minutes | 100 yen | 50 yen |
Up to 90 minutes | 200 yen | 100 yen |
Maximum of 1 day (24 hours) | 800 yen | 400 yen |
*Up to 700 yen per day from the 4th day (72 hours).
For more information,click here (to external site)
Payment method
Please pay the fee at the advance payment machine or the exit automatic payment machine. (Cash or credit card)
Request for long-term parking
Due to airport parking management and airport security, parking is restricted for 14 consecutive days or more. If you intend to use the service beyond the specified period, please notify the parking lot management office.
Kochi Ryoma Airport Area Map